Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Datascience vi sem deep learning important questions

 Unit 1

1. What is deep learning? Explain the history

2. Explain Data representations for Nueral Networks

3. Explain the  different types of tensors. 

4. Explain manipulation of tensors in numpy

Unit -2

1. Explain different types of tensor operations

2.explain geometric interpretation of tensor operations/ deep learning 

Unit - 3

1. Explain gradient based optimization

2. Explain stochastic gradient descent

3. Explain the backpropogation algorithm 

4. Explain anatomy of nueral Networks and layer of neural Networks 

Unit -4

1. Explain keras. Tensor flow ,theano and CNTK

2. Explain recurrent Nueral Networks 

3. Explain LSTM and GRU Layers

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