Wednesday, June 21, 2023
Thursday, June 8, 2023
Computer Science VI sem Web technologies important questions
Unit 1
1. What is HTML? Explain basic text formatting tags.
2. Explain lists in HTML
3. Explain links in HTML. (OR ) Explain hyperlink in HTML
4. Explain tables in HTML with an example program
5. Explain form elements in HTML
6. What is frame ? Explain creating frames in HTML
Unit- 2
1. What is CSS ? Explain types of style sheets
2. Explain different types of CSS Properties and values
3. Explain pseudo classes in CSS
4. Explain different types of selectors in CSS
Unit -3
1. What is Javascript? Explain types of scripting languages.
2. Explain operators in Javascript
3. What is DOM ? Explain DOM in Javascript
4. Explain functions in Javascript
5. Explain built-in objects on Javascript
6. What is event? Explain types of Events
Unit - 4
1. What is XML? explain difference between HTML and XML
2. Explain XML DTD(Document type definition)
3. Explain XML Schema and XSLT(Xml style sheet)
4. Explain XML DOM
5. What is AJAX? Explain AJAX example using XML
6. Explain traditional web applications VS AJAX applications
Tuesday, June 6, 2023
Datascience vi sem deep learning important questions
Unit 1
1. What is deep learning? Explain the history
2. Explain Data representations for Nueral Networks
3. Explain the different types of tensors.
4. Explain manipulation of tensors in numpy
Unit -2
1. Explain different types of tensor operations
2.explain geometric interpretation of tensor operations/ deep learning
Unit - 3
1. Explain gradient based optimization
2. Explain stochastic gradient descent
3. Explain the backpropogation algorithm
4. Explain anatomy of nueral Networks and layer of neural Networks
Unit -4
1. Explain keras. Tensor flow ,theano and CNTK
2. Explain recurrent Nueral Networks
3. Explain LSTM and GRU Layers