Tuesday, July 11, 2023

VI semester Php with my SQL important questions



1. What is PHP? Explain PHP Language basics

2. explain operators in PHP

3. Explain loops in PHP



1. What is Array? Explain creating arrays in PHP

2. Explain manipulation of arrays in PHP

3. What is string? Explain formatting strings in PHP. Or stirng functions in PHP

Unit - 2

A- question

1. What is function? Explain how to create functions in PHP

2. Explain recursive functions in PHP

3. Explain objects in PHP


B question

1. Explain capturing form data with PHP

2. Explain constructors and destructors in PHP

3.explain generating webforms in PHP

Unit -3

A question

1. Explain file handling in PHP . Opening and closing, reading and writing files

2. Explain how to store the data in PHP using SQL


B question

1. Explain setting up MySQL

2. Explain retrieving data from my SQL with PHP 

3. Explain manipulating MySQL data with PHP

Wednesday, June 21, 2023


1. Explain datatypes in C++
2. Explain operators in C++
3. Explain loops in C++
4. Explain function overloading and inline functions 
1. Explain OOP Concepts
2. Differentiate between procedural and object oriented programming language 

Unit - 2
1. What is constructor? Explain the types of constructors
2. Explain copy constructor
3. Explain constructor overloading 
1. Explain operator overloading 
2. Explain array of objects 

Unit -3
1. What is Inheritance, explain types of Inheritances
2. Explain multiple Inheritance 
1. What is polymorphism? Explain virtual function.
2. What is pure virtual function? Explain abstract baseclass.
3. Explain c++ stream classes
4. Explain formatted and non formatted io operations

Unit -4
1. What is Exception? Explain Exception handling mechanism
2. Explain catching multiple exceptions
3. Explain handling our own Exception 
1. What is Template? Explain class template
2. Explain function template
3. Explain STL

Thursday, June 8, 2023

Computer Science VI sem Web technologies important questions

 Unit 1

1. What is HTML? Explain basic text formatting tags.

2. Explain lists in HTML

3. Explain links in HTML. (OR ) Explain hyperlink in HTML 

4. Explain tables in HTML with an example program

5. Explain form elements in HTML 

6. What is frame ? Explain creating frames in HTML 

Unit- 2

1. What is CSS ? Explain types of style sheets

2. Explain different types of CSS Properties and values 

3. Explain pseudo classes in CSS

4. Explain different types of selectors in CSS

Unit -3

1. What is Javascript? Explain types of scripting languages.

2. Explain operators in Javascript 

3. What is DOM ? Explain DOM in Javascript 

4. Explain functions in Javascript 

5. Explain built-in objects on Javascript 

6. What is event? Explain types of Events

Unit - 4

1. What is XML? explain difference between HTML and XML

2. Explain XML DTD(Document type definition)

3. Explain XML Schema and XSLT(Xml style sheet)

4. Explain XML DOM

5. What is AJAX? Explain AJAX example using XML

6. Explain traditional web applications VS AJAX applications 

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Datascience vi sem deep learning important questions

 Unit 1

1. What is deep learning? Explain the history

2. Explain Data representations for Nueral Networks

3. Explain the  different types of tensors. 

4. Explain manipulation of tensors in numpy

Unit -2

1. Explain different types of tensor operations

2.explain geometric interpretation of tensor operations/ deep learning 

Unit - 3

1. Explain gradient based optimization

2. Explain stochastic gradient descent

3. Explain the backpropogation algorithm 

4. Explain anatomy of nueral Networks and layer of neural Networks 

Unit -4

1. Explain keras. Tensor flow ,theano and CNTK

2. Explain recurrent Nueral Networks 

3. Explain LSTM and GRU Layers

Monday, January 9, 2023

Cs v sem java important questions

 Unit 1:

A. Question 

1. Explain Java essentials( Java features)

2. What is JVM? Explain it

3. Explain datatypes  in Java.

4. Explain type casting in Java

5. Explain loops in Java

(Or) B question 

6.explain method overloading in Java

7. What is constructor? Explain the types of constructors( copy constructor)

8. Explain Difference befference between static and instance members 

Unit 2: 

A. Question 

1. Explain command line arguments 

2. What is inheritance? Explain types of inheritances

3. What is interface? Explain multiple inheritance with a program

4. Explain method overriding 

Question b:

5. What is package? Explain creating packages.

6. What are system API Packages 

7. Explain wrapper classes

8. What is exception? Explain exception handling mechanism 

Unit 3:

Question A

1. What is thread? Explain creating of threads 

2. Explain thread life cycle 

3. Explain synchronization 

Question B

4. Explain io stream classes

5. Explain scanner classes

Unit -4:

Question A

1. What is AWT and explain AWT components 

2. What is applet? Explain applet life cycle 

3. Explain swing? Explain Difference between swing and AWT

Question B

4. What is JDBC? Explain types of JDBC 

5. Explain database handling using JDBC